Dear Diary,
Well, it's Sunday! Show time!!
My grandparents are here and I'm even more excited. After one last production rehearsal, we went for lunch. Then it was time to get ready.
Here I am in my production outfit! We have this really cute dance to preform for our Opening. Then off to the dressing room to get into our gowns. I am really excited and can't wait!!
I'll be back later!!
Well, here I am in my gown. The Opening number was great! My heart is filled with so much excitement. All that keeps running through my head is "Thank you God, Thank you God!"Funny thing is, I'm not nervous at all. Just excited!
Last night we had the preliminaries. My dad was my escort and it was the first time I wore the dress and had to do my introduction. This time, I walked by myself and didn't have to say my introduction. The MCEE announced each contestant. I think she said, "Welcome Contestant #1 Caitlyn Capre. Caitlyn's favorite color is hot pink and orange. Her favorite food is all foods {this is true} and when she grows up, she wants to be a chef and baker {this is true too}".
After everyone was announced and did their walk, it was time for awards.
I won best evening gown, smile, interview suit and BEST INTERVIEW!! That was really cool! I was super excited. I could hear my parents and grandparents yelling out my name.
Then it was time to announce the top 4 winners and winner for the Jr Pre-Teen Division. As I hear the announcer calling the names to 4th, 3rd and 2nd runner up, my heart really began to beat fast. Then when they called the 1st runner up, I hear Contestant #1 Caitlyn Capre!!! OMG, I just won first runner up!! I was really excited that I won!! I got this really big trophy and roses.
Here I am after the show was over celebrating with my family.
Oh, and if you are wondering why my dad has a sash and crown over his head... last night they had a dad's competition and my dad won! He was really funny up there!!
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